Making headlines with Rocket Men in Malawi

Tales from the Vicarage spent the summer in Malawi, seeing first-hand where proceeds from the sale of Rocket Men, the sixth title in the series, are being spent. 

£1 from every copy of the book is donated to Kit Aid, of which Graham Taylor was a patron They, in turn, are helping a charity called Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO), which supports orphaned and vulnerable children.

Tales From publisher Adam Leventhal and photographer Paul Vincent traveled to Malawi to see first-hand the work of the charity, meet the children who are benefiting and to deliver Watford FC shirts, donated by fans at past TFTV Live events. 

The trip attracted press attention, with a feature in the Watford Observer and on BBC Three Counties Radio - (go to 1:19:00).

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Donations will continue to be made to KitAid for the lifetime of the book, in memory of the late, great Graham Taylor. You can buy Rocket Men here: